
From Stalking and Chasing to Kissing

So I thought I would share a success story of my 2 year old English mastiff Butkus and his new feline friend I've attached a before video (bad behavior) and photos ( now good behavior) to show you the difference in 2 months with working with Butkus after reaching out to Roman Gottfried for some assitance . We had Butkus since 10 weeks along with his older brother bentley a yorkie . Butkus had always been a very well mannered sweetheart like a typical mastiff but after my husband brought home a kitten we couldnt get Butkus to snap out of "staring down" and obsessing over the kitten to the point he wouldnt listen to us very well . we werent sure if he had a high prey drive as he had never met a cat and were nervous he was going to kill the kitten. So we started with removing the two and seperating them and allowing butkus to sniff the kitten under the door. This was hard as both are very vocal when left alone behind a door. We never left the two alone and while at work shut the kitten in our bedroom as Butkus and Bentley are couch guardians during the day lol everyday my husband and I would bring the kitten out and hold him close to us letting Butkus know the kitten belonged to us and would shower it with affection so Butkus understood he was part of the family. We would make Butkus sit and call him over to us to allow a few sniffs and he'd eventually get so curious he'd gently lick the kitten . We repeated this for days until we felt we could set the kitten down . Anytime Butkus would run to chase the kitten we would snap our fingers and have a treat ready after he would come to us to sit to try and redirect his attention as he's very food motivated . After weeks and weeks and a cat tree to help allow the kitten to escape his height the two became buddies. I had a little help from my yorkie as well who leads the animals pack and would bark at Butkus whenever he tried to chase the kitten. I have zero issues now and can allow them in the same room with me gone. Butkus's typical behavior with the kitten now is to wipe his drooly lips all over his back causing for multiple self kitten bathing and walking away lol

Dealt with fence aggression just by watching Roman’s Videos 😳

Neighbors dog 2 houses down came up to our fence my mastiff and I were out playing ball ...back story ....My dog use to run up to the fence it made me nervous but after watching and listening to your videos I started paying no attention ( reacting) when he would charge the fence and have been saying to my dog “ it’s just a puppy “ come on go get your ball and throw it” well 2 days ago neighbor dog came to fence I calmly said to my Enzo oh no big deal let’s keep playing with your ball and he literally could have cared two craps about the dog he went running after his ball was all about him and I playing ball ...I was over the moon proud of him and it only strengthened the fact that you know your stuff lol lol lol thank you pic because he’s amazing .

I watched your few of your videos; one was about people’s reaction and dogs being able to sense our anxiety and the most important video which you have stressed in many is the importance of the bond and partnership we must have with our dogs...l feel if you have that everything else you work on becomes so much easier...the foundation of the “ trust and working together with my dog “ is the most important and the most I’ve worked on ...some may not believe it or think it’s mumbo jumbo ...but those folks are too closed minded and unfortunately are stuck in wanting to control with barbaric ways’s sad ...because if they would only listen and connect the dots they would see and reap the rewards of having a best friend that would do anything for them ...I stay away from people like that i have zero in common with people who think they know it all ...

Kristine Deetjen - Oregon USA

Took him only two minutes to change my perception

Roman Gottfried and holistic dog training  page and training methods I cannot say enough about about. His education alone on Training, nutrition and unwanted behaviors (online training if you’re not in his area) is something that I have never experienced.

Online training been god send

Any of my friends who are seeking help with training their dogs, or have any issues with their dogs, Roman is amazing and he has been an absolute Godsend for our family; he has helped so much with our Cane Corsos Star and Onyx, and our Great Dane Sebastian.

You don’t have to be local, as sessions can be done online... I was skeptical at first about online training, but it ended being awesome and I prefer it because the dogs are paying attention to ME, so we aren’t wasting any time with the dogs being curious and paying more attention to the trainer than what we are trying to do in training. Please feel free to share 😃!

It was yeast infection

  • So the Oz man (English Mastiff) here had a vet appointment today. He has leaned out and is a healthy 182.2 lbs, the vet couldn’t say enough about how great of shape he was in (minus skin and coat). We went over his health history, I gave him a long list of issues he has been having, and how they just slowly crept in. All the diet changes, omitions, tests, treatments and supplements. I told him how I believed it was a yeast-infection and why. I had read so many articles regarding the subject, thanks to Roman Gottfried sharing one which gave me my first exciting lead in forever!!!
    So Oz, after over two years - OVER TWO YEARS - finally had the right test, which came back positive!!!! Oz is about to be treated for a systemic yeast infection!!!
    So, for anyone curious on symptoms....

  • Seborrhea

  • Constant ear infections

  • Nacho smell

  • Other nasty smell overall

  • Greasy/waxy coat

  • Frequent diarrhea

  • Sores on paws and between toes -Constantly licking his paws

  • The calluses at his elbows became scaly and cracked and bled

  • Face swells up a bit frequently and looked red

  • Blowing his coat worse than shedding season

  • Itching and seborrhea would subside temporarily with a bath, no matter what treatment it was a very short temporary fix... maybe three days max.

Thankfully Oz never has shown aggression. Though with how fast his skin has been spiralling in the last month alone, I am sure it would have been coming. I love this big oaf too much to give up on him though 💜. If this post can even help one person find answers for their smooshy face, I will be one of the happiest people alive.


I have a new outlook, a better understanding.

After watching Roman Gottfried  videos...I have a new outlook on my boy and guess what....he is on his way to being balanced again..only because I have a new outlook and therefore a better understanding.  Thank you Roman!