Recommended Practitioners and trainers


Rona DisteNfeld

Rona’s goal is to help you get the training you need as conveniently and affordably as possible. Training takes place online or in your home, so you can make a plan and give you games and exercises that fit your real life. She cover a lot in a 1-hour lesson so you have a lot to work with. Many clients find that one lesson is all they need to solve the problems they have with their dog.

Rona Is Dog Trainer, AKC-CGC evaluator, Certified Integrative Behaviorist

Specializes: Canine aggression, any breed

Online Service Area: International

Language: English

Location: Austin Texas, USA

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Barbara Buck

Barbara is a Energy healer for 20 years, she offers a number of guidance, healing, and support tools, including Reconnective Healing, that allow for remarkable transformations in a short period of time. She works with both people and pets who have behavior or health issues. Whatever area of your life that you want to work on- body and health, love and relationships, career and money, intuitive development, or something else- it will be addressed in a safe and empowering way.

Specializes: People and animals, Canine behavior healing

Online Service Area: International

Language: English

Location: Albany OR, USA