Separation anxiety

Severe Separation-Anxiety solved in two Online-Sessions

Review for Roman Gottfried.

A fellow Great Pyrennes owner told me about Roman Gottfried when my Great Pyrenees developed severe separation anxiety when New York City went into lock down and I started working from home full time. 


Emma, my one year old Pyrenees has always had some mild form of separation anxiety that I attributed to puppy behavior or boredom. I would manage it by putting her in day care. The problem started when CoVid hit our city, there were no day care in NYC and I discovered that I could not leave the house at all. 

 “I was trapped with covid and my dog’s severe separation anxiety”

I remember once leaving the house to pick up a package from the post office across the street and came home to find my dog walking on the kitchen counter with every glass bottle in thy kitchen broken and the entire kitchen floor was covered in broken glass, sugar, vinegar and oil.  the worst part was that she was chewing on a piece of broken glass.


I contacted Roman thinking that I would have to spend countless hours in training to fix the problem.  The surprise came when it took two sessions. He guided me through why my dog was anxious and how I can get her past it.   It was the best $200 I’ve ever spent.



Now I can leave Emma confidently for about 6 hours, and on rare occasions 8 hours.  I feel like I gained a new sense of understanding about my dog and my relationship with her is better.  I cannot recommend Roman enough and thank him for everything he does. 


Goodbye Separation Anxiety -Goedemorgen to Awesomeness

I have had a wonderful experience working with Roman! At first I was a bit skeptical about it being online but I actually really enjoyed it! I was able to work around my schedule without having to leave my home. I also really appreciated that our sessions were recorded so I could go back and watch it with my family and take better notes. I really enjoyed that! Two thumbs up for the online aspect! Learn more