3 Ways to Improve Your Bond With Your Dog

3 Ways to Improve Your Bond With Your Dog

Strengthening the bond with your dog is crucial for their well-being and overall behavior. As a holistic canine behavior consultant, I have seen firsthand how building a secure attachment with your furry friend can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable relationship for both of you. In this post, I'll share three simple ways to improve your bond with your dog: engaging in activities you both enjoy, dedicating time to spend together without electronics, and sharing a meal. If you're struggling with your dog's behavior or would like additional guidance on building a stronger bond, schedule a complimentary appointment with me today.

8 Holistic Tips for Non-toxic Tick and Flea Prevention

8 Holistic Tips for Non-toxic Tick and Flea Prevention

Spring is the time to prepare for flea and tick season. Avoid using toxic chemicals and pesticides on your dog, as they can harm their health and the environment. Holistic parasite prevention for dogs involves treating the whole animal, including their diet, environment, stress levels, and physical activity. Here are 8 holistic tips for tick and flea prevention that aren't toxic to your dog: