Guardian Breed

Addressed resource guarding with secure attachment

Addressed resource guarding with secure attachment

If ever there was a dog whisperer, it's Roman. We hired him to help us with our Great Pyrenees who was showing signs of reactivity and resource guarding. Because we have young children in the house and were expecting a baby, we knew we needing to solve the situation asap. Within a …

Respected In The Guardian Breed Rescue Community

Roman Gottfried with Roman's Holistic Dog Training is very well respected within the Great Pyrenees community. He traveled to Idaho to work with several rescue Pyrs at this rescue and sanctuary. He knows this breed extremely well which is why we utilize and highly recommend his services for GPAT dogs. Whether it training (sit, down or stay), secure attachment (bonding with your adopted dog) or positive parenting (understanding the breed, dealing with trauma based or breed specific issues throughout their lives) Roman is the “go to” for many rescues, shelters, owners, fosters, etc. Although this rescue was fortunate enough to hire Roman to come to them, his online work is just as effective. If you don’t have access to “positive” training in your area or just prefer to work with your dog at home as a family, Roman is a preferred, recommended source.

Patty Witten - Great Pyrenees
Advocates of Texas

Secure attachment relationship training has done wonders

Roman Gottfried 's secure attachment relationship/holistic training has done wonders! Duke is SO sensitive, he's still nervous at times - because he's still learning what an allowable response to each situation is. It's amazing to see him look to ME for direction

Amazing training techniques

Amazing training techniques

The results of using your training techniques with our dogs were amazing. More than once I had tears in my eyes watching the incredible results on our dog when applying training techniques learned through your online classes. It seemed like a miracle was happening.

It was yeast infection

  • So the Oz man (English Mastiff) here had a vet appointment today. He has leaned out and is a healthy 182.2 lbs, the vet couldn’t say enough about how great of shape he was in (minus skin and coat). We went over his health history, I gave him a long list of issues he has been having, and how they just slowly crept in. All the diet changes, omitions, tests, treatments and supplements. I told him how I believed it was a yeast-infection and why. I had read so many articles regarding the subject, thanks to Roman Gottfried sharing one which gave me my first exciting lead in forever!!!
    So Oz, after over two years - OVER TWO YEARS - finally had the right test, which came back positive!!!! Oz is about to be treated for a systemic yeast infection!!!
    So, for anyone curious on symptoms....

  • Seborrhea

  • Constant ear infections

  • Nacho smell

  • Other nasty smell overall

  • Greasy/waxy coat

  • Frequent diarrhea

  • Sores on paws and between toes -Constantly licking his paws

  • The calluses at his elbows became scaly and cracked and bled

  • Face swells up a bit frequently and looked red

  • Blowing his coat worse than shedding season

  • Itching and seborrhea would subside temporarily with a bath, no matter what treatment it was a very short temporary fix... maybe three days max.

Thankfully Oz never has shown aggression. Though with how fast his skin has been spiralling in the last month alone, I am sure it would have been coming. I love this big oaf too much to give up on him though 💜. If this post can even help one person find answers for their smooshy face, I will be one of the happiest people alive.


Dealt With Five Anatolians and Aggression.


I have five Anatolians at the beginning, I dealt with aggression from one of them. Resource guarding and generally just a jerk. I hired Roman Gottfried had online via Zoom sessions learned so much. I watch his videos and follow him religiously. He helps us help our Raggy. He now is the sweetest dog in earth. And let me tell you. It was bad.
He CARES ABOUT THIS BREED. He is well well Knowledgeable in this exact breed. I am so thankful for him and if I was you I would definitely take his advice. He’s very well known in the livestock guardian community and the best thing would be is to listen to him. We couldn’t have our dog near anybody and now when the vet comes to our house to do shots etc. he’s just a big ass love bug. That was not the case before Roman. Now our vet comes for visit for love from our “meanest” one of the bunch.

-Janine G.

Online-Classes are informative and thought-provoking

I am happy to recommend Roman Gottfried.  I have had my own fosters and personal dogs evaluated and helped by Roman , and have also set up and attended an online canine holistic handler class for about 20 volunteers with the rescue that I volunteer for, National Great Pyrenees Rescue.


Roman’s presentations were informative and thought-provoking, and our volunteers who attended came away with a great understanding of their own dogs and the dogs within our rescue that we deal with on a daily basis.  The classes included homework that reinforced the learning experience, and questions during the class were encouraged.

NGPR also has recommended Roman to adopters who need help with their dogs.  NGPR also consults with Roman on dogs in our foster homes.  NGPR feels working with Roman is a great learning experience, that the adopters or fosters working with the dogs will be better able to interact and communicate with the animals in their care.  

If you have more specific questions, I would be happy to answer them.

Susan DeBili

Secretary, NGPR ​

                 National Great Pyrenees Rescue  ~ ~  P.O. Box 214, Maplecrest, NY 12454 

Your Videos Helped Us Comunicate With Luci

September 9, 2015


Just wanted to let you know that You have been a HUGE asset to us both and Luci!  Your videos have really helped us to understand how to communicate with Luci.  She has picked up on things so quickly once we watched your videos and applied your "wise wisdom." We joke and say that we were the ones that needed the training, and not her.. Have a AWESOME Day!


 Kevin, Denise and Luci. - Jamestown, New York

Luci 2018