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Online Puppy Parenting Retreat

Dear  Puppy Parents,

Join dog behavior consultants Roman Gottfried and Katherine Porter for a two-day Virtual Puppy Parenting Retreat on October 15th and 16th from 9 am to 3 pm PST. The cost is an amazingly affordable $149 for both days.

If you are feeling at a loss and don’t know where to start with your puppy, this is the perfect time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and equip yourself with new knowledge to bring peace into your life.

If you feel frustrated about your puppy’s unwanted or unpleasant behavior, we’ll help you to understand WHY they may be behaving that way. Once you know that, you can help them shift into behaviors that you prefer.  Knowledge is power!

If you struggle to find the motivation to spend time with your puppy, you’ll get some great new ideas to take your relationship to the next level. Build your bond one step, one ball throw, one snuggle at a time, and start loving each minute you spend with your pup!

Here’s what you’ll experience when you attend the Virtual Puppy Parenting Retreat:

  • A paradigm-shifting science-based perspective of puppy parenting. 

  • Access to expert behavior consultants Roman Gottfried and Katherine Porter to ask questions and find tailored solutions to your concerns.

  • Insight into modern relationship-based trauma-informed dog training that aligns with your values and the key to a happy and well-adjusted dog.

  • A greater understanding of developmental milestones.

  • A holistic approach to your puppy’s health and wellness.

  •  A connection with your puppy’s emotional, social, biological, and enrichment needs.

  • Clarity in how to safely, humanely, and lovingly guide your puppy to make good choices for things like housetraining, jumping, nipping, and socialization.

  • A safe and supportive community where you can share your puppy-rearing struggles and successes.

  • Learn how to create ease in your puppy’s day-to-day schedule, so you can also have some relief and take care of yourself.

  • Create a stress-free, fear-free, and frustration-free environment which will reduce the likelihood of trauma, reactivity, and aggression as your puppy grows into adulthood

This retreat will help you create a stronger connection with your pup and give you the tools you need to find joy in a rewarding relationship.

Your Hosts:

Katherine Porter, holistic behavior consultant

Roman Gottfried, holistic behavior consultant,

Cost $149

Day 1 Saturday starting at 9:00 am Pacific time ends 3:00 pm pacific

Day 2 Sunday starting at 9:00 am pacific time ends 3:00 pm pacific

Recording available

If you can’t attend the entire time don’t worry, the retreat will be recorded and available for replay.