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Understanding Territorial Aggression in Livestock Guardian Breeds

  • Online Zoom Event (map)

Unlock the Secrets to Understanding and Transforming Territorial Aggression in Livestock Guardian Breeds

When: April 14, 2024
Where: zoom online link provided after purchase
Time: 4 pm Pacific Time + On-Demand Access for Registrants
Duration: two (2) hours

Join us for an unparalleled online journey into the heart and soul of livestock guardian breeds. In our groundbreaking class, "Understanding Territorial Aggression in Livestock Guardian Breeds: A Holistic, Trauma-Informed Perspective," you will discover a new realm of connection and understanding with your guardian companions, especially when breed traits become a threat to the dog and the community.

Why This Class Stands Out:

- Expert-Led Insights: Leading expert in guardian dog behavior and holistic care provides a deep dive into the breed and environmental factors influencing territorial aggression.

- Comprehensive Curriculum: From the science of genes and the impact of breed traits to understanding underlying medical conditions and the crucial role of nutrition, we cover all bases. We explore the pivotal role of the attachment relationship and how to foster a secure, loving bond.

- Practical Strategies: Learn actionable techniques such as attachment-based, Holistic trauma-informed, Trust Base Relational Intervention (HC-TBRI), Discrete Trial Training (DTT), Canine Cognitive Behavior Therapy (C-CBT), and more about how to navigate behavioral or dietary interventions. Equip yourself with the knowledge to apply Do No Harm approach, leverage attachment relationships, and tailor nutrition to mitigate aggression.

- Innovative Approaches: Our holistic, trauma-informed perspective offers a compassionate, science-backed approach to addressing territorial aggression. We go beyond traditional training methods to understand the root causes of behavior and how to influence positive change.

What You Will Gain:

- Deeper Understanding: Unravel the complex interplay of genetics, environment, breed traits, and more, to understand the "why" behind your dog's territorial behavior.

- Holistic Techniques: Learn to integrate holistic practices into your dog’s critical socialization period and beyond, fostering adaptable and balanced behaviors.

- Tailored Interventions: Discover how to customize your approach based on your dog’s unique needs, recognizing potential medical conditions and optimizing diet for behavioral health.

- Stronger Bonds: Strengthen your relationship with your guardian breed, developing a mutual understanding and respect that transcends basic training.

Who Should Enroll:

- Dog owners and enthusiasts seeking to deepen their bond and understanding of livestock guardian breeds.

- Professionals in animal care, behavior, or training looking to enhance their practice with holistic, trauma-informed strategies.

- Anyone passionate about promoting the well-being and positive behavior of their guardian companions.

Transform Your Relationship with Your Guardian Breed Today

Join a community of like-minded individuals on a transformative journey to reshape the way we perceive and interact with our livestock guardian dogs. Empower yourself with the knowledge to create a safer, more harmonious environment for your pets, livestock, and family.

Enroll now and embark on this paradigm-shifting adventure toward understanding and harmony.