Roman's Holistic Dog Training

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14 Ways That People Gaslight Their Dogs.

1. Guardians tell their dog it’s “okay”or correct their dog even if they clearly have proof that a situation is dangerous.

2. People accuse a dog of guarding even though they are the ones who take items of value away.

3. People ( especially trainers) turn family against the dog and take away their support system. ( because of outdated dominance theory )

4. They accuse a dog of being dominant or trying to establish alpha status, when they’re really just trying to fulfill what they believe their role is in the family.

5. Dog is never right or always told NO.

6. The dog always feels they have to defend their reality

7. The dog is never sure about the relationship with their guardian

8. The dog is never allowed to express feelings. Dogs often being punished with averse training methods, causing depression, trauma and even aggression.

9. Dog always feels they have to destroy or bark to get the guardian’s attention

10. Guardians use what is near and dear to the dog as ammunition. For example the wrong believe that “nothing in life is for free” the opposite is true “plenty in life is free” as Kathy Sdao, ACASB explains in her book

11. Guardians actions do not match their words.

12. They throw in positive reinforcement with to confuse the dog.

13. Guardians hold their dogs up to impossible standards [1]

14. They call a trainer to train the dog even though the one who needs a trainer and therapy is themselves

I’m a holistic dog behavior consultant who specializes in improving human dog relationships and addressing severe behaviors online.

Master your dog parenting skills


  1. Bennet P.C., Rohlf V.I. Owner-companion dog interactions: Relationships between demographic variables, potentially problematic behaviours, training engagement and shared activities. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 2007;102:65–84. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2006.03.009.